Monday, May 9, 2011

Epsom Town

So Epsom is a little town some 1 hour by train from England. Two words, beauty, green and quiet.(okay so thats three) Every single house have little gardens where I can see all the people really put great effort into making it beautiful.  First day here I decided to walk around the town, gotta pick things up slow. It's really chilly outside, around 20 degrees outside. Suitable enough for walking.

The buildings here in town is as you can expect are designed by the British and the way I see it, nothing much changed. The bricked buildings and the white wooden panes described so well the western essence in the culture.

Walking around town, OF COURSE, all I see is white and blondes, so it's kinda like a culture shock here compared to back in Malaysia where everyone has either black hair or tudung. :) Anyway it's good to finally see what I always see in television, typical westerner rushing to work holding a cup of coffee and munching on a piece of pastry.

Beautiful western breakfast made by my uncle. Nothing but a pack of energy to start off the day with!

Streets of Epsom town. Notice the beautiful buildings around. 
Thats me with my Uncle James at Epsom Streets.
See what I mean when I say western buildings?
One of the thousands of cafe around Epsom Town. Beer seems to be a favourite around here.
Uncle Hong, who travelled with me in front of a pastry shop. Donuts anyone?
Epsom is such a beauty. Everything is just a stones throw away!!

This is the street leading to Epsom town. Just a short five minute walk. You wouldn't even notice the walk. All you notice is the beautiful surrounding you are in.

So after the short walk, we took a ten minutes car ride to Epsom Downs, a HUGEEEEEEEEEEE horse racing track where on a normal day, would be a park for those dogs lovers and MY GOD, the dogs here are nothing but adorable!!!!!!! I managed to cuddle with one of the Siberia Husky type dogs over there and trust me, they're such a doll!

I'll post the pictures on it soon once I get the time! Promise!!!!


  1. huh?husky ??kidnap bawa balik Msia bole??nak letak dlm almari..nak tengok je tanak pegang2 pn =p

  2. Cute giler! Nanti saya postkan gambar! :)
